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Visual Identity

I’ll help chan­nel your exist­ing or emerg­ing brand into a visu­al iden­ti­ty that is beau­ti­ful­ly, uncom­pro­mis­ing­ly authen­tic to both who you are and who you aspire to be.

Print Design

Print is not dead. As long as peo­ple yearn to have and hold tan­gi­ble objects, phys­i­cal media will per­sist. I design sta­tion­ary, page lay­outs, mar­ket­ing col­lat­er­al, and more.

Front-end Web

Front-end design that is atten­tive to every pix­el, swatch, and serif. I spe­cial­ize in visu­al con­sis­ten­cy, infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture, mobile respon­sive­ness, and web typography.


It is impor­tant to car­ry your visu­al iden­ti­ty into every­thing you do, whether you need to design the pack­ag­ing for your new prod­uct or uni­forms for your employees.

Art Direction

Whether an old-school mag­a­zine fea­ture or a post on Medi­um, I can pro­vide art direc­tion that uses illus­tra­tion and page lay­out to artis­ti­cal­ly rein­force your prose.


I can pro­vide illus­tra­tion in dig­i­tal, pen ’n’ ink, water­col­or, char­coal, and pas­tel; or shoot land­scape, archi­tec­tur­al, still life, por­trai­ture, prod­uct, and event photography.

Printing, Etc.

I’ll pre­pare and print wood­cuts, linocuts, acrylic etch­ings, and poly­mer plates. Fur­ther­more, I’ll pro­duce bespoke, hand-craft­ed new, replace­ment, and restored smyth-sewn Ger­man case bindings.

Space Planning

For brick ’n’ mor­tar busi­ness­es, a space is as impor­tant as visu­al iden­ti­ty. My wife, Jen­nifer, an inte­ri­or design­er and busi­ness man­ag­er, con­sults with clients to afford­ably plan retail, office, and hos­pi­tal­i­ty spaces.



I am flu­ent in the idiom of main­line protes­tant and catholic church­es and am pro­fi­cient in litur­gi­cal type­set­ting, bul­letin-mak­ing, and the unique design require­ments of churches.


I’ve designed count­less blank record forms and cer­tifi­cates for both every­day and cer­e­mo­ni­al use, spe­cial­iz­ing in cer­tifi­cates for bap­tism, con­fir­ma­tion, ordi­na­tion, and marriage.


I am versed in the ver­nac­u­lar of both eccle­si­as­ti­cal and archi­tec­tur­al iconog­ra­phy, able to repro­duce orig­i­nal designs for chris­t­ian sym­bols, his­toric archi­tec­ture, as well as heraldic achievements.

Book Design

I have edi­to­r­i­al and typo­graph­i­cal pro­fi­cien­cies in addi­tion to being able to pre­pare or con­sult on cov­er designs and page lay­outs for a vari­ety of con­ven­tion­al prose, verse, and art books.